Terms of Service

All base prices listed reflect the acceptable minimum payment for a commission; they do not constitute an accurate quote and are subject to change at any time for any reason. The client must refrain from assuming that the artist will illustrate their proposed idea; it is the client's responsibility to inquire whether or not their theme and/or subject matter is acceptable. The artist holds the right to decline any proposed work. All commission inquiries must be written and filled out in a clear and understandable manner, with all necessary information and references provided by the client, including PayPal email and what kind of commission they’re looking for (sketch, flat colors, etc.). All visual references provided must be accurate. If the client is inquiring about a color commission, the reference MUST be in color. The inability to provide accurate visual references may result in an additional research fee. If the client does not possess a visual reference, it is the client's responsibility to provide a concise, written description with all necessary information and details.


Once a proposed work order is accepted by the artist, an invoice will be sent to the client within 1-3 days. It is the responsibility of the client to provide an accurate email address for invoices to be sent. At least 50% of the price must be paid upfront. Sketch commissions must be fully paid upfront. All payments are processed via Stripe, and the client does not need a Stripe account to make payments. Payment(s) will only be accepted AFTER the client has received their invoice. ANY payment(s) sent before receiving an invoice will be immediately refunded. If for whatever reason, payment(s) cannot be provided by the date listed on the invoice, the client must communicate this to the artist. Failure on behalf of the client to provide payment(s) without prior communication with the artist will result in the work order being terminated and, if applicable, the commissioned work being turned in “as is.” Any reverse charges made by the client (“chargeback”) without prior communication with the artist will result in the work order being terminated and the client barred from future transactions.


Depending on the size/complexity of the work order, all work orders have a turnaround time of one to two weeks unless noted by the artist. The artist will provide “Work In Progress” (WIP) images during the sketch phase for the client to decide on or change the details: such as posing, clothing, facial expressions, hair, etc. It is the client's responsibility to clearly communicate all necessary edits they want to be made, preferably during the sketch phase of the process. Once the client is happy with the sketch, the sketch will be considered APPROVED, and the Cleanup Phase will start. The client gets four minor changes (facial expression, hairstyle, clothing patterns, markings, such as tattoos or scars) at any point after the sketch has been APPROVED; any extra changes requested beyond that will incur an additional fee. Work-in-progress images, WIP, will be provided at the client’s request. Screenshots of the WIP will be low-resolution and watermarked. The artist holds the right to publicly stream their process on the work order at any time unless requested otherwise by the client. This will not incur a fee. Even if the client requests that the work process not be publicly streamed, the artist holds the right to share it privately with their colleagues.


Once the work order is completed to the client’s specifications, the high-resolution version of the final image will be sent to the client as a PNG. If multiple files are sent, they will be stored within a ZIP folder. By default, the artist holds the right to post the work upon completion publicly. If the client does not want the final image posted publicly, it is the client's responsibility to communicate this to the artist. By default, the client holds the right to post the final work wherever they wish, as long as proper credit to the artist is provided by the client. By default, the artist retains legal ownership of the work and holds the right to use it for self-promotion purposes; No Rights will be transferred to the client other than for personal use. The client may NOT reproduce or otherwise sell the work for commercial use. The client may NOT edit or alter the final image to remove attribution from the artist, such as erasing, censoring, blurring, or cropping out the artist’s signature or URL watermarks. It is the responsibility of the client to communicate if the work is for commercial use before the invoice is sent. The client will be charged for the transfer of rights to the work. The client will receive the final image without the artist’s signature or URL watermarks. Once the rights are transferred, the client may reproduce or otherwise sell the work for commercial use.


The artist holds the right to cancel a work order at any time, for any reason, including but not limited to: abusive, inappropriate, or unreasonable behavior; failure to follow payment procedure; and violating the Terms of Service. If, for any reason, the client needs to cancel the work order and have their payment refunded, it is the responsibility of the client to communicate this to the artist. In the event of a cancellation, full refunds will only be issued if work on the commission hasn’t started. If the total price was paid upfront, and the client requests a refund at any point after the sketch has been APPROVED, the refund will be of a maximum of 50% of the total price, which will go down depending on how advanced the order is. There will be no refunds if the order is almost complete. Sketch commissions will not be refunded if the artist has already started working on them.